Doi Saket Showroom
A place of dreams, hopes and growth.

Over a year of construction from the draft to a 200 sq.m. space for displaying furniture. We have worked with many people who live in Chiang Mai from a well-known local architect Sher Maker who is becoming an international sensation; Chang Nueng the contractors who care about meticulousness; our furniture craftsmen who help keep the details in their craft skills; planters from the Doi Saket area; and control all construction work by Khun Phuwanat, the factory owner.
As a result, this area has taken shape and is a place of hope for the Moonler people to extend our craftsmanship to the world.
Although imperfect as the beauty of fallen leaves, we have always believed that creating the greatest creation is like planting a tree. If we pay attention with passion, we will get a tree that grows abundantly and stays with us for hundreds of years.
Like a Chamchuri at the end of the field waiting for the day to grow tall for our children to fondle.